
Lived experiences of food insecurity among LGBTQ people in California

Interviews with low-income LGBTQ people in Los Angeles County and Kern County reveal challenges accessing and using programs designed to alleviate hunger

81,000 ‘Dreamers’ identify as LGBT and 39,000 have participated in DACA

The majority of LGBT DACA recipients live in California, Texas, Illinois, New York, and Florida.

US Supreme Court decision protects 8.1 million LGBT workers from employment discrimination

Today’s decision by the Supreme Court finds that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits workplace discrimination on the bases of sexual orientation and gender identity.

LGB people who have undergone conversion therapy almost twice as likely to attempt suicide

An estimated 7% of LGB adults age 18-59 in the U.S. have experienced conversion therapy.

HHS rule reverses nondiscrimination protections in health care for more than 1.5 million transgender people

HHS today announced a final rule that reverses federal protections prohibiting discrimination based on gender identity in health care.

Emotional well-being of LGBT people improved after marriage equality ruling

Disparities in happiness and life satisfaction between LGBT and non-LGBT adults disappeared after the Obergefell v. Hodges decision