
New study examines pathways into poverty for LGBTQ adults

Common entry points into adult poverty include experiencing childhood poverty and anti-LGBT bias

September 30, 2020
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Suicide Prevention Month: A summary of data on LGBT suicide

LGBT people are at disproportionate risk of suicidal ideation, planning, and attempts

August 31, 2020
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Millions of LGBT people could gain additional protections from discrimination after Bostock

Courts have often looked to Title VII case law to interpret other laws that apply to housing, public accommodations, education, and other settings

HUD aims to reverse protections for homeless transgender people accessing shelters

The rule would allow homeless shelters to deny transgender people access to single-sex and sex-segregated shelters that align with their gender identity

Only 3% of sexually active transgender people use PrEP

The first study to estimate use of PrEP among transgender people using a national probability sample in the United States

Reproductive health of bisexual women and girls needs greater attention

Research shows that unplanned pregnancies are more common among bisexual women than their heterosexual peers