Esther D. Rothblum

Esther D. Rothblum

Visiting Distinguished Scholar

Esther D. Rothblum, Ph.D. is Visiting Distinguished Scholar at the Williams Institute and Professor of Women’s Studies at San Diego State University. She is the founding editor of the Journal of Lesbian Studies and former president of Division 44 (Society for the Psychological Study of LGBT Issues) of the American Psychological Association. Esther’s research focuses on LGBTQ mental health and relationships. Her longitudinal CUPPLES study has followed same-sex couples in legalized relationships compared with heterosexual married siblings. She has also studied queer-identified individuals, asexual individuals, butch/femme gender roles, and various aspects of LGBTQ mental health. Esther received her M.S. and Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Rutgers University and a post-doctoral fellowship in psycho-social epidemiology from Yale University. She also holds a B.A. from Smith College.

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