
House Financial Services Committee, Discrimination in Lending and Housing: Testimony

October 2019

In October 2019, the U.S. House of Representatives Financial Services Committee held a hearing to address discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community in lending and housing.

  • Kerith J. Conron
    Research Director, Former

A large body of research has found that LGBT people experience discrimination and harassment in housing, employment, and other domains of life.

LGB adults are twice as likely as non-LGB people to report ever being prevented from moving into or buying a house or apartment by a landlord or realtor.

The testimony focused on the impact of housing discrimination on the health and well-being of LGBT people. Discrimination in housing and lending contributes to homelessness, housing instability, and lower rates of homeownership among LGBTQ+ people. LGBT people who experience homelessness and housing instability face a dramatically increased risk of violence, victimization, exploitation, and poor health.

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House Financial Services Committee, Discrimination in Lending and Housing: Testimony