
LGBT Adults in Large US Metropolitan Areas

March 2021

Using data from the Gallup Daily Tracking survey, this brief provides population estimates of LGBT adults in the 55 largest metropolitan statistical areas (MSA) in the United States. The analysis includes rankings of the top 10 metropolitan areas by population and percentage of LGBT residents.

  • Kerith J. Conron
    Research Director
  • Winston Luhur
    Research Assistant, Former
  • Shoshana K. Goldberg
    Research Consultant, Former
The New York metro area (New York-Newark-Jersey City) has the highest population of LGBT adults of any metro area.
The San Francisco metro area (San Francisco-Oakland-Berkeley) has the highest percentage of LGBT adults of any metro area.
Among the top 55 metro areas, Tulsa, OK has the fewest LGBT adults.
LGBT Adults in Large US Metropolitan Areas