
House Oversight Committee, LGBTQI+ Violence: Testimony

December 2022

In December 2022, the House Committee on Oversight and Reform held a hearing on the rise of anti-LGBTQI+ extremism and violence in the U.S.



Despite advances to protect the autonomy and equality of LGBTQ people under the U.S. Constitution and some state and local laws, research shows that violence, mistreatment, and discrimination remain persistent and pervasive.


LGBTQ people are more likely to experience violence than non-LGBTQ people in the U.S. The odds of experiencing violent victimization, defined as rape or sexual assault, robbery, and aggravated or simple assault, are four times higher for LGBTQ than non-LGBTQ people.


The testimony focused on notable research on LGBTQ victimization, discrimination, and LGBTQ people’s experiences of stressful life events. Anti-LGBTQ prejudice is widespread in U.S. society and embedded in the country’s laws and policies. Minority stress research has shown that anti-LGBTQ prejudice and stigma, including laws and policies targeting LGBTQ people, result in negative health outcomes for LGBTQ people.

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House Oversight Committee, LGBTQI+ Violence: Testimony