
A Gender Not Listed Here

Genderqueers, gender rebels, and otherwise in the National Transgender Discrimination Survey
April 2012

Respondents to the National Transgender Discrimination Survey were able to write in their gender if they did not identify as male, female, or part-time as one gender, part-time as another gender. This report examines the identities and experiences of respondents who wrote in their gender.

The majority of respondents who wrote in their gender identified as genderqueer or a variant of that term.
Respondents who wrote in their gender had both unique demographic patterns as well as distinct experiences of discrimination.
The findings affirm the relevance of creating nuanced gender categories in collecting data on transgender and gender non-conforming people.
Data Points
of respondents who wrote in their gender were assigned female sex at birth

Please contact our communications office for a full copy of the study.

A Gender Not Listed Here