
Sexual Attraction, Sexual Identity, and Same-Sex Sexual Experiences of Adult Offspring in the US

National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study
March 2019

The latest report from the  U.S. National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study compared  the sexual attraction, sexual identity, and sexual experiences of the 25-year-old offspring of lesbian parents to their peers. The study was published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior in March 2019.

The ongoing U.S. National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study has followed the same cohort of offspring from conception to adulthood.
The adult children of lesbian parents are more likely than their peers to report same-sex attraction and experiences and sexual minority identity.
The percentage of NLLFS offspring who identified as sexual minorities decreased between the ages of 17 and 25.
Data Points
of female NLLFS offspring reported being only attracted to the opposite sex
of their female peers reported the same

Please contact our communications office to request a copy of this study.

Sexual Attraction, Sexual Identity, and Same-Sex Sexual Experiences of Adult Offspring in the US