
Trends in Public Support for Marriage for Same-Sex Couples by State

April 2015

This report uses data from multiple national surveys to estimate public support for marriage equality in each U.S. state and D.C. since 2004.

Since 2004, public support for marriage equality has increased in every state in the U.S.
Public support for marriage equality increased more rapidly since 2012.
Since 2014, the most rapid rate of increase in support for marriage equality occurred in states that recognize marriage for same-sex couples.
Data Points
average annual increase in support for marriage equality across the U.S. since 2004

Executive Summary

This research brief uses data from multiple national surveys and well-established statistical methods to estimate public opinion about marriages for same-sex couples for each state in the United States.

Main Findings

  • Since 2004, public support for marriage for same-sex couples has increased in every state in the U.S. with an average increase of 2.6% per year.
  • Public support for marriage for same-sex couples has increased more rapidly since 2012. On average since 2012, states increased their support by 6.2% a year.
  • Since 2014, the most rapid rate of increase in support for marriage for same-sex couples occurred primarily in states that presently recognize same-sex marriage. Indeed, legal recognition of marriage for same-sex couples has been followed by more rapid increases in public support.
  • If current trends continue, by 2016 public support for marriage for same-sex couples will be at 40% or higher in every state, with 6 states above 45% and the remaining states between 50-85% support.

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Trends in Public Support for Marriage for Same-Sex Couples by State