
Adult Offspring of Lesbian Parents: How Do They Relate to Their Sperm Donors?

July 2020

The latest report from the U.S. National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study explores the relationships between 76 adult offspring of lesbian parents and their unknown or known donors. The study appeared in Fertility and Sterility in July 2020.

  • Audrey Koh
    Assistant Professor, University of California, San Francisco
  • Gabriel van Beusekom
    Post Doctoral Researcher, Netherlands Institute for Social Research
  • Nanette Gartrell
    Distinguished Visiting Scholar
  • Henny Bos
    Professor, University of Amsterdam
Of the 30 offspring who knew their donors nearly half had good feelings about their relationship with their donors.
Ten of the 22 NLLFS
offspring with a donor they had always known characterized
him as a ‘‘father.’’
Thirty offspring had permanently unknown donors and most of them felt comfortable about not knowing their donors.

Please contact our communications office to request a copy of this study.

Adult Offspring of Lesbian Parents: How Do They Relate to Their Sperm Donors?