
LGBTQ Divorce and Relationship Dissolution

Psychological and legal perspectives and implications for practice
June 2019

A groundbreaking new book explores the distinct challenges LGBTQ individuals in relationships face when divorcing or separating now that same-sex marriage is legal nationwide.

  • Abbie E. Goldberg
    Professor, Clark University
  • Adam P. Romero
    Legal Scholarship & Federal Policy Director, Former
Minority stressors, such as employment discrimination or unaccepting families of origin, can destabilize LGBTQ relationships.
LGBTQ people often report lower family support than heterosexual people, which may impact relationship stability
Same-sex couples may still get caught in the cross-hairs of heteronormative divorce and child custody law.
Data Points
same-sex couples in the U.S. were married as of 2017
same-sex couples in the U.S. were married as of 2013
LGBTQ Divorce and Relationship Dissolution