
Lesbian, Gay, and Heterosexual Adoptive Parents’ Perceptions of Parental Bonding During Early Parenthood

July 2013

This study examines lesbian, gay, and heterosexual parents’ perceptions of bonding to their adopted children. It appeared in Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice in 2013.

  • Abbie E. Goldberg
    Professor, Clark University
  • April M. Moyer
    Clark University
  • Lori A. Kinkler
    Psychologist, Trinity University
More than half of the participants described a strong and stable bond to their child beginning at the time of placement.
More than one third of participants described the parent–child bond as increasing over the past 2 years.
Most couples agreed that they and their partners were currently equally bonded to their children.
Data Points
of respondents reported a strong and stable bond to their child from the time of placement

Please contact our communications office for a full copy of the study.

Lesbian, Gay, and Heterosexual Adoptive Parents’ Perceptions of Parental Bonding During Early Parenthood