
Incarceration Rates and Traits of Sexual Minorities in the United States

National Inmate Survey, 2011–2012
February 2017

This study presents information on incarcerated sexual minorities, including offense history and sentence, childhood victimizations, mental health, and victimization while incarcerated. It is the first to consider incarcerated sexual minority men and women separately. The study was published in the American Journal of Public Health in February 2017.

The rate of incarceration of LGB people is approximately 3 times higher than the already high general U.S. incarceration rate.
Incarcerated sexual minorities are more likely to experience mistreatment, harsh punishment, and sexual victimization than straight inmates.
Sexual minority men and women were significantly more likely to have spent time in disciplinary segregation or solitary confinement.
Data Points
sexual minorities are incarcerated in the U.S.
Incarceration Rates and Traits of Sexual Minorities in the United States