
476,000 transgender adults in the US have no IDs with the correct gender marker

In states with the fewest policy barriers, transgender people are more likely to have a correct ID than in states with the most barriers

Incarceration for HIV crimes in Georgia cost the state $9 million

Between 1999-2020, as many as 133 people were incarcerated in Georgia prisons for HIV-related crimes

Older LGBT people twice as likely to be laid off during the pandemic as non-LGBT people

Nearly one-third of LGBT people of color ages 45 and older reported that their ability to pay for household goods got worse during the pandemic.

LGBQ people six times more likely than general public to be stopped by police

Nearly one in four LGBQ people say they are unlikely to call police in the future

685,000 AAPI LGBT adults live in the US

Nearly one in five AAPI LGBT adults in the country said they felt unsafe in their communities

One-third of LGBTQ college students experienced housing disruption during the COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the educational opportunities, financial security, and housing stability of an estimated 3.4 million LGBTQ college students.