Help us reach our goal
The Williams Institute Legacy Campaign
Honoring Our Past, Shaping Our Future
In 2001, we began with a vision of creating a world-class research center to advance LGBTQ+ law and public policy through rigorous research. Over the past 22 years, we have become a trusted and indispensable resource — and our work is as important today as ever.
Fighting stereotypes
One gift started it all

Chuck Williams and Stu Walter give a $2.5 million planned gift to establish the first-ever LGBT academic research institution at a law school to ensure facts — not stereotypes — inform laws and policies.

Lawrence v. Texas Amicus Brief

The Williams Institute submits its first amicus brief in Lawrence v. Texas, arguing that sodomy laws violate the U.S. Constitution.

The Supreme Court struck down sodomy laws, holding that the laws violate the fundamental, constitutional rights of LGBTQ people.

Employment Non-Discrimination Act

Williams Institute Executive Director Brad Sears testifies before Congress on legislation that would prohibit employers from discriminating against people on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Executive Order 13672

The White House cites Williams Institute research in support of an executive order that prohibits federal contractors from discriminating against employees based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Obergefell v. Hodges

The U.S. Supreme Court cites research by Williams Institute Research Director Gary J. Gates on the children of same-sex parents in its decision to extend marriage equality nationwide.

Estimating the transgender population

The Williams Institute releases the first state and national estimates of the transgender population. This research continues to be the Institute’s most cited report in the media.

303 Creative v. Elenis

The Supreme Court rules that the First Amendment’s free speech protections allow a website designer in Colorado to refuse to serve same-sex couples. In her dissent, Justice Sotomayor cites Williams Institute research showing the continuing high levels of public accommodations discrimination against LGBT people.

Shaping our future

In the face of a growing number of statutes rolling back LGBTQ rights — and increasing disinformation about LGBTQ people — our research will continue to inform policymakers, judges, and voters as they make decisions that affect LGBTQ communities. Your support helps us continue our work until LGBTQ people have full equality under the law and in their daily lives.

Legacy Campaign Gifts
  • “Being a Williams Institute Fellow set the stage for a lot of the work that I do today thinking about how vulnerable groups can use medicine in order to seek new rights.”
    — Craig Konnoth, Professor of Law, University of Virginia School of Law
  • "In the last decade or so, we have seen tremendous gains when it comes to LGBTQ+ rights, and the Williams Institute is no small player in that."
    — Julie Su, U.S. Acting Secretary of Labor
  • “The Williams Institute has been invaluable over the years to me and many others advocating for LGBTQ+ equality. Its reliable data and careful analyses have been essential to clarify problems and eradicate myths about our community. The Institute has moved forward the cause of equality immeasurably.”
    — Paul Smith, counsel for the defense in Lawrence v. Texas
  • “The Williams Institute Law Teaching Fellowship gave me everything. It gave me a space in which I could find my bearing and voice and see people doing cutting-edge rigorous research and connecting it to real- world impacts.”
    — Doug NeJaime, Anne Urowsky Professor of Law, Yale Law School
  • “When I joined the Williams Institute, I gained the tools to understand how law and policy are key levers to change — and I learned how to conduct interdisciplinary research for the first-time.”
    — Ayako Miyashita, Associate Director of the Southern California HIV/AIDS Policy Research Center
  • "Early on when Chuck Williams established the Institute, he had a vision. He knew that to achieve success, he had to have the knowledge, the research, the data, and the science in order for judgments to be made that would make a difference."
    — Nancy Pelosi, Speaker Emerita of the U.S. House of Representatives
  • “All of this work continues to change minds and laws and policies, not to mention lives. I could not be more grateful for the collaboration between the U.S. government and the Williams Institute.”
    — Hillary Clinton, former U.S. Secretary of State
  • "The research the Williams Institute conducts on the lives and needs of LGBTQ individuals helps us write and correct public policies that improve the lives of millions.”
    — Alex Padilla, U.S. Senator (D-CA)
Related events
Legacy Gala
Our celebration of the Williams Institute's founder Chuck Williams and his accomplishments

The Ebell of Los Angeles

Doors open at 5:00 PM

Dinner at 7:00 PM

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DC Spring Reception
Our annual D.C. event examining the current slate of LGBTQ legislation

King & Spalding Office

6:00 – 8:00 PM EST

Washington, DC

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