
Public Opinion on Transgender Rights in Poland

November 2017

Using data from the 2016 IPSOS Global Advisor survey, this study assesses Polish people’s relationships and level of comfort with transgender people, as well as their views of transgender people and their rights, roles in society, and characteristics.

  • Taylor N.T. Brown
    Project Manager, Former
Having transgender acquaintances, friends, or family members was associated with more positive views of transgender people on many measures.
A majority of respondents expressed support for government protection from discrimination based on gender identity.
On many issues, there were greater levels of support than opposition to the rights of transgender people.
Data Points
of respondents said they know people who are transgender or they themselves are transgender


In Poland, findings from the 2016 IPSOS Global Advisor survey show solid public support for government protection from discrimination, the right to change the sex indicated on government-issued ID, and the right to have surgery so one’s body matches their identity for transgender people. At the same time, the general public has mixed opinions on other issues, such as the right of transgender people to marry someone of their birth sex and the requirements to alter the gender marker on government-issued ID. There is also resistance to the provision of other rights, such as the right of transgender people to adopt children. Women, older people, and those who have transgender family members, acquaintances, and friends are, on average, more supportive of the rights of transgender people in Poland.

While select findings on public opinion about transgender people and their rights in Poland were presented in The Williams Institute’s Public Support for Transgender Rights: A Twenty-three Country Survey, this brief provides detailed findings from the sample of survey participants in Poland, specifically.

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Public Opinion on Transgender Rights in Poland